Roedelius - 1991 - Piano Piano


Piano = Pianissimo) is a dynamic indication of particularly soft music,  and "Piano Piano" is a very soft, quiet album. Roedelius assumes the role of a fairytale character with his piano music, transported to a strange, fantastical landscape where, filled with awe and amazement, he tries to get his bearings. Initial comparisons were drawn between the piano music of Roedelius and that of Eric Satie. This was no more accurate than the erroneous "ambient" label pinned to his material. Satie’s compositions were based on rigid formalism Roedelius strives to free himself from the restrictive corset of form, whilst "ambient" belies the careful listening which is required to appreciate his to the full. 

Track listing

1 -Verweht - 8:35
2 - Leicht Gemacht - 3:20
3 - Die Gunst Der Stunde - 7:21
4 - Frieden Für Adjan - 2:44
5 - Die Ernte Reift - 7:37
6 - Einfach - 1:57
7 - Gut So - 5:10
8 - Bonheur - 1:31
9 - Begegnung - 2:55
10 - Vergegenwürtigt - 4:29
11 - In Gedanken - 2:46
12 - In Der Dämmerung - 15:18

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