Conrad Schnitzler - 1981 - Conal


By the early 80's timeframe of this album, Schnitzler was drifting deeper into the electronic ocean. He wasn't messing with the polysynths of that era as Conal seems to be the mostly (if not completely) the result of experimentation with a modular synthesizer. In fact, this would make a good alternate to the Logan's Run soundtrack as you're gliding through your peoplemover pod in the City of the Domes. This is very much in the line of something Morton Subotnick would've churned out in the late 60's. A positive contrast with some of the other 'bleepity-bloop' proto-electronica is the presence of some buzzing drones to ground the more liquid electronic sounds.
Circulation 4000 copies C P Uniton Records 1981.

Track Listing

1 - Untitled Track - 21:45
2 - Untitled Track - 21:50

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